With this add-on will allow you to get the Venom symbiote, you can transform into Venom, change the skin of your Venom and get all the skills it gives you. It includes melee combat, abilities while you are not transformed into symbiote among many other things.

Este add-on es parte de la proxima actualizacion de Spider-Man Add-on.
Add-on created by ArathNido.
Add-on inspired by Marvel Comics.
Beta tester: Doge4_ever, The Amazing Mondongo, FatalZero, Gomemer & Arcangel0684
Full Description:
Throughout the world of Minecraft you will find meteorite structures and there is a small chance of symbiotes appearing.

The easiest way to make symbionts appear is to create an area of Knull blocks.


When you encounter a symbiote you can capture it using a capsule.


When you have the capsule with the symbiote, interact with it to transform into Venom.

You can remove the symbiote from your inventory.

When you have the symbiote on, it will grant you a lot of new abilities.
Hand-to-hand combat
Symbiont whip (Impulse)
Climbing walls
Crawling on the ground
Symbiont wings (Flight and glide)
Impulse in the air.
In your inventory you will be given an item with an icon with red borders, while you are crouched down interact with the item so that there will be a menu where you will see all the skills that the symbiote gives you.

All skills:
Symbiont Axe
Symbiote claw
Symbiote whip
Camera (Third & First Person)
Venom Horse:
To obtain a Venom horse interact with the horse using the symbiote or the symbiote capsule.

Just like any other horse, ride the horse until some heart particles appear. You do not need to use a mount or armor to control the horse. It will have increased speed, increased jumping, resists pushing, resists falling damage and feeds on raw or cooked chicken and cookies.

Compatible with Player.JSON: Marvel Edition, to play with all Marvel add-ons created by ArathNido.
Best mod for venom I've seen! I hope the author will expand the possibilities of this addon, there are still so many all sorts of abilities and features can be introduced.
Guys, download it from Linkvertise, the rest is a virus
It very good
How to install sa add on I already download?
i've tried everything, and yet, nothing new, all there is is the symbiote and the abilities, but the menu doesn't even work and there are no knull blocks, what am i doing wrong, somebody please help me understand