This Halloween comes the monster house as a new boss that you can summon and face, including new enemies that will appear in your world and enemies that the monster house will summon. Defeat the monster house to receive new rewards that this add-on adds.

Add-on: Models, Textures and secondary enemies created by ArathNido
Monster house concept based on the animated movie "Monster House".
Full description:
You will be able to summon the monster monster house by making the chimney using this recipe:

Place the fireplace on the ground, use the flint and steel to light it.

10 seconds later, the house will be invoked:

Monster House
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3 (Final)

Monster armor stand
Monster Chest
Monster Furnace
Monster Bookshelf
Monster Book
This add-on also adds new blocks to decorate, several of these blocks can be made from the Crafting Table. It includes new pumpkins that you can add a torch and everything is manufacturable from the Crafting Table.

Dead tree sapling:

You can plant it and wait for some time for it to grow or you can accelerate this process with bone powder.
