NEW VERSION OF IRON MAN ADD-ON ARRIVES! With this add-on you will be able to become the Marvel superhero Iron Man, you will be able to make his suits and use his powers, this is a new and improved version of the add-on released in 2022 only with improved mechanics, updated designs and new mechanics.

Add-on created by ArathNido. Betatester: Zero FatalRed, THE AMAZING MONDONGO & Yerko. Inspired by the Marvel Comics character Iron Man.
Full description:
New minerals:
Throughout the world of Minecraft new minerals will be generated that will be used to manufacture Iron Man's armor and weapons.
Titanium Ore
The titanium ore is generated in the deepest layers and when destroyed will release between 3 - 5 raw titanium.

Titanium ingots
Raw titanium can be heated in the furnace to obtain titanium ingots.

It is a mineral that can be found in the stone beach biomes.

When you obtain the vibranium ore you can heat it in the furnace to obtain pieces of vibranium.

Vibranium ingots:

Stark Industries Workbench
With the Stark Industries workbench you can make all of Iron Man's armor and weapons.

By placing the table you will be able to interact to start making armor or weapons.

There will be two categories Armor and Weapons, to change categories hold down the crouch button and interact with the table.

Arc Reactor
Iron Man's armor and weapons require energy so you will need to make the arc reactor using this recipe:

To use the arc reactor, place the reactor in the leg slot.

Iron Man armor:

As of Mark VI and above, the armor will be given an actuation breathable armor.
Mark I (1)
Improvised armor
Mark II (2)
Mark II Frozen
Mark III (3)
Mark IV (4)
Mark V (5)
Mark VI (6)
Mark VII (7)
Mark VIII (8)
Mark IX (9)
Mark X (10)
Mark XI (11)
Mark XII (12)
Mark XIII (13)
Mark XIV (14)
Mark XV (15)
Mark XVI (16)
Mark XVII (17)
Mark XVIII (18)
Mark XIX (19)
Mark XX (20)
Mark XXI (21)
Mark XXII (22)
Mark XLIV (44) - Hulkbuster
Mark XLIX (49)
Mark L (50)
Super Hero Squad Armor
Iron Man: The Animated Series (Season 1)
Iron Man: The Animated Series (Season 2)
Infamous Iron Man
Weapons, abilities and controls:
To use the weapons and abilities you will need to have Iron Man armor equipped and an arc reactor equipped.
Flight system
Mask & Interface
Super thrusters
Repulsor rays
Repulsor de reactor
Repulsor cannons
Displacer Sentries
Zoom with the scope
Flame thrower
Additional weapons:
You will be able to equip more weapons to your Iron Man armor, this you can only use them if you have an Iron Man suit on and an arc reactor.

Weapons list:
Missile launcher
Nanotechnology hammers
Energy Blade
Nanotechnology shield
Sentinels of Ultron
Iron Legion:
From Iron Man's workbench you will be able to make the iron legion that will help you defend against enemies.

To activate the iron legion interact with it using a microship. When activated, it will follow you and protect you from the enemies you have nearby.
You can ask him to stop following you by interacting with him.

To put him in patrol mode, so he can go freely, press the crouch button and interact with him. To make him follow you again and order him not to follow you, press the crouch button again and interact with him.
Version 1.1.1 - 08/01/2024
Make it compatible with Action & Stuff plz!
This addon is really great and I’ve been enjoying it a lot! The suits are amazing and fun to use and the overall concept is fantastic However I noticed that all equipment are missing from the Stark Industries Workbench in Survival mode Items like the Energy Blade Shotgun and other trading items aren’t available even though they should be It’s a bit disappointing that the workbench only provides suits. Despite this, the addon is still very enjoyable and adds a lot of fun to the game
Cool superhero mods that you offer. :D
Would it be possible to publish the mods in the Minecraft Marketplace?
I would play with the mods on my Switch/Playstation/Xbox too, that would be great.
this is the PERFECT IRONMAN MOD thank you